Veterinarian training courses library : Dog / Theriogenology
Teaching goals
- Infuse the patient as soon as possible.
- Pre-oxygenate the patient before induction.
- Avoid aortocaval compression for as long as possible.
- Use local anesthesia.
Teaching goals
- To understand the main difference between dogs and cats during gestation and lactation and how it influences the way you should feed these species.
- How and what to feed a pregnant bitch/queen.
- To recognize important nutrition related disorders during gestation and lactation.
Teaching goals
- Know how to recognize a normal ovary according to the cycle of the bitch
- Knowing how to recognize a normal uterus
- Be able to follow follicular evolution on ultrasound
- Know how to take the different fetal measurements
Teaching goals
- Recognize a bitch that has cycles’ irregularity or abnormal cycles
- Be able to offer the right complementary exams
- Know the differential diagnosis of short cycles and persistent heat
Teaching goals
- Know the different indications of the programming of the caesarean section
- Knowing how to advise an owner to consider or not caesarean section
- Know the different methods of scheduling caesarean section
- Know how to recognize special cases and propose a suitable solution
Teaching goals
- Know the advantages and disadvantages of using chilled and frozen semen
- Know how to prepare the semen to produce the least possible damage
- Know centrifugation and extenders’ effects on semen
- Know the duration of use of chilled and frozen semen
- Understand the processes that occurs in spermatozoa during chilling and freezing
Teaching goals
- Be able to propose an alternative solution to surgical castration
- Know how to use the deslorelin implant with all the necessary precautions
- Know how and the principles of use of melatonin in cats
- Know the risks associated with the different molecules used to chemically sterilize
Teaching goals
- Know the pros and cons of neutering
- Know how to inform the owner
- Know how to decide the right time for my sterilization
Teaching goals
- To learn how and with which techniques is it possible to detect ovulation in the bitch
- To know when to inseminate the bitch with fresh, chilled and frozen semen
- To know the optimal dose of frozen semen needed to obtain a good pregnancy rate
- To know the different types of inseminations
Teaching goals
- Know the different methods of heat induction
- Know the indications and contraindications
- Know how to set up the treatment by taking all possible precautions
- Know how to follow the induced estrous and pregancy
Teaching goals
- Know how to distinguish between infertile and sterilebitch
- Know how to ask the right questions during the first consultation (anamnesis and commemoratives)
- Know the steps of the BSE and know how to carry it out
- Monitor a basic estrus cycle to determine the ovulation date
Teaching goals
- Diagnosing dystocia
- Know the additional examinations to be carried out in case of dystocia
- Know the different conditions for carrying out a medical treatment
- Know the contraindications to the realization of medical treatment
- Know how to set up medical treatment
- Be able to quickly make the right decision
Dr. Ludivine BOIRONVideo time : 29 min + MCQDipl. ACVECCEmergency and critical care TheriogenologyTeaching goals
- To understand the pathophysiology of major female reproductive emergencies which include mastitis, metritis, eclampsia and pyometra
- To know how to recognize and treat them
Dr. Ludivine BOIRONVideo time : 28 min + MCQDipl. ACVECCEmergency and critical care TheriogenologyTeaching goals
- During this presentation, we will review the most commonly encountered male reproductive emergencies which include: priapism and paraphimosis, testicular torsion, prostatitis, discospondylitis
- We will review the causes, pathophysiology and treatment of these pathologies