Veterinarian training courses library : Dog / Nephrology/Urology
Teaching goals
- Understand the pathophysiology leading to renal dysplasia
- Recognise the typical clinical presentation
- Be familiar with the relevant clinical tests
- Be aware of the alternative differentials to exclude
- Be familiar with the chronic management of the disease
Teaching goals
- Understand and distinguish prostate disorders in dogs such as hyperplasia, prostatitis, cysts, and tumors.
- Perform their diagnosis.
- Implement their treatment, including omentalization.
Teaching goals
- Recognize the key nutrients for patients with CKD
- Differences between kidney diets
- Nutritional management of kidney patients: difference between dogs and cats
Dr. Robert TRUJANOVICVideo time : 26 min + MCQDipl. ECVAANephrology/Urology Anesthesiology and analgesiaTeaching goals
- Risk vs benefits of performing general anesthesia on patients with AKI need to be assessed (poor prognosis, 50-60%)
- A balanced anaesthetic protocol should be chosen to reduce the required dose of each individual agent and minimize the potential side effects.
- Use loco-regional techniques whenever possible to reduce the amount of anesthetic drugs and anesthetic depth of the patient.
Teaching goals
- Be familiar with the diagnostic differential of haematuria in the dog
- Choose the sensible investigation tests adapted to the patient
Teaching goals
- Review of anatomy
- Diagnostics for bladder
- Surgical technique
- Common conditions
Dr. Florent DUPLANVideo time : 26 min + MCQDipl. ECVIM-CANephrology/Urology Hematology biochemistryTeaching goals
- Understand the difference between total and ionised calcium
- Understand the role of the key hormones involved in the calcium homeostasis
- Be able to interpret calcium, phosphorous, PTH and vitamin D levels in different clinical situations
Teaching goals available soonTeaching goals
- Definition and grading of AKI
- The four phases of AKI
- Clinical presentation of AKI
- Physical examination
- Aetiologies of AKI
Teaching goals
- Knowing the latest update from the veterinary literature regarding proteinuria in dogs
- Understanding the renin angiotensin aldosterone system
- Understanding the differences between angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) in the treatment of proteinuria
- Understanding the objective in treating hypertension in dogs with proteinuria
- Understanding the objective in treating hypercoagulability in dogs with proteinuria
Teaching goals
- Understanding the pathophysiology of glomerulopathy
- Understanding the definition of proteinuria
- Knowing the differential of proteinuria
- Understanding the diagnostic approach of proteinuria in dogs
- Understanding the objective and interpretation of renal biopsies in dogs
Teaching goals available soonTeaching goals
- Localisation – Upper vs Lower Urinary Tract
- Approach to therapy
- Diagnostics:
- Urine analysis and blood work
- Imaging
- cytoscopy
Teaching goals
- Manage stones of the lower urinary tract (bladder, urethra)
- How to prevent their recurrence