Dr. Sara LONGO

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SPECIALITIES Verified Expert


Webcasts (Replay) My webcasts

Teaching goals
  • The aim of this conference is to become familiar with the most typical presentation of neuromuscular disease in the dog.
Teaching goals
  • To become familiar with the most typical presentation of neuromuscular disease in the cat.
Teaching goals
  • Being familiar with the most important clinical and examination features in spinal patients
  • Being able to distinguish a lower motor neuron vs upper motor neuron spinal presentation
Teaching goals
  • Being familiar with the most important clinical and examination features in patients presenting with epileptic seizures.
Teaching goals
  • To become familiar with the most common tests used to evaluate the cranial nerves, during the neurological examination.
Teaching goals
  • To be able to recognized the most common posture and gait abnormalities and to be able to associate them to specific parts of the nervous system
Video time : 18 min + MCQ
Teaching goals
  • To understand the anatomical basis of sympathetic innervation of the eye
  • To understand the clinical signs and main differential diagnosis associated with Horner’s syndrome in dogs and cats.
Teaching goals
  • To recognise the most common clinical signs of vestibular disease
  • To be aware of the most common clinical signs that can help in distinguish a central from a peripheral vestibular syndrome
  • To be aware of the main differential diagnosis for both central and peripheral vestibular diseases
Video time : 23 min + MCQ
Teaching goals
  • To understand the main concepts for the assessment and management of head trauma cases.
Video time : 22 min + MCQ
Teaching goals
  • To understand the main physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms involved in traumatic brain injury, in order to be prepared for a prompt and efficient management of the head trauma cases.