Dr. Lorenzo CROSTA
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SPECIALITIES Verified Expert
Internal medicine, General internal medicine
My webcasts
Teaching goals
- Avian medicine is complex and the veterinarian who takes care of it must necessarily be an all-rounder as far as birds are concerned. This also includes neonatology and paediatrics, which are very particular and specific species topics, that are addressed differently than in dogs and cats.
- This brief introduction is to understand how to recognize a healthy chick and how to know if it may be sick. There are also suggestions on how to reach the diagnosis and on the most useful diagnostic methods.
Teaching goals
The objectives of this introduction to avian radiology are to learn the techniques of positioning birds in order to radiograph the various anatomical districts, and the peculiarities of avian anatomy compared to that of more conventional mammals.Teaching goals
- If feather-plucking in birds is often frustrating for the vet, it is also because they are not normally addressed in depth.
- The objective of this short course on plucking is to frame a problem that is much wider than what is usually assumed.
- In fact, plucking can have organic, psychological and behavioral causes. We will try together to resolve this complicated issue a bit.
Teaching goals
- This lesson explains two of the most common foot diseases in birds: bumblefoot, or bird foot dermatitis, and Amazon foot necrosis. Both are common diseases that every avian veterinarian should know how to recognize and treat.
Teaching goals
This short webinar wants to introduce the participants to the surgery of the avian reproductive system. The most common surgeries are covered, together with some hints about how to run the procedures in the real world.Teaching goals
- This second part on avian anesthesia completes the first part, illustrating alternative anesthesia ; techniques and monitoring the avian patient.
Teaching goals
- This first part of the bird anaesthesia webinar explains the anatomical and physiological basis of this technique.
- In addition, the first steps of induction and monitoring and of the avian patient under anaesthesia are addressed.
- The first part is preparatory to the second, which we will deal with shortly.
Teaching goals available soon
Teaching goals
- This brief talk on feather loss explains that not all the issues with plumage have the same cause, and that passive plumage loss is a very different thing from active feather plucking, or Feather Destructive Behavior.
- Certainly, there are common causes of the two problems, and the diagnostic process is similar, but the causes of a loss of feathers and active feather plucking can also be very different.
Teaching goals
- Endoscopy is a very valuable technique for the diagnosis, but also for the treatment of most avian diseases. It can be said that there is no modern avian medicine without endoscopy.
- Today's talk takes into consideration the instruments for avian endoscopy, and the main diagnostic techniques, both non-surgical, and which involve surgical access to the avian coelom.
Dr. Lorenzo CROSTA
Video time : 23 min
Dipl. ECZM
Emergency and critical care
Wound management
Teaching goals
- Beak injuries are common and often the solution doesn’t seem easy.
- In the talk of today, we face in a simple way, with some video-photographic examples, how to deal with the most common injuries of the beak.
- The final part considers the construction of two different types of beak prostheses.
Teaching goals
The talk of today’s quickly examines some of the most frustrating lesions for the avian veterinarian: papules, pustules and papilloma.Often, we do not know the cause of such lesions, and sometimes, even if we know it, we cannot and cure them.
Let’s deepen a bit our knowledge of avian dermatology.
Dr. Lorenzo CROSTA
Video time : 37 min
Dipl. ECZM
Preventive medicine and infectious disease
Animal/species conservation