Veterinarian training courses library : Cat / Ophthalmology

  • Dr. Robert TRUJANOVIC
    Dipl. ECVAA
    Video time : 26 min + MCQ
    Ophthalmology Anesthesiology and analgesia
    Teaching goals
    • Avoid Increased Intraocular Pressure: It is crucial to prevent increased intraocular pressure in patients with conditions such as corneal ulcers, descemetocele, glaucoma, and cataracts to avoid exacerbating these conditions.
    • Maintain Normal Intraocular Pressure: Keeping intraocular pressure normal can be achieved by maintaining normocapnia (normal levels of carbon dioxide in the blood) and avoiding drugs that induce vomiting or retching.
    • Minimize Patient Distress: During both the induction and recovery phases of anesthesia, it is important to avoid patient struggling and excessive restraint. This helps in reducing stress and potential trauma to the eye.
    • Ensure Appropriate Analgesia: Providing appropriate analgesia helps to ensure a smooth recovery process and minimizes the risk of trauma to the eye.
    • Tailor Anesthetic Management: Anesthetic procedures should be largely dictated by the patient’s underlying health conditions. This includes using reinforced endotracheal tubes to prevent tracheal obstruction, especially when the head is positioned “chin on chest,” and employing non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents for cataract surgeries to maintain a centrally positioned pupil. Additionally, mechanical or assisted ventilation is essential when using these agents.