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Dr. Baptista Da Silva graduated in 2015 in Veterinary Medicine at UNESP in Botucatu (Brazil).
From 2016 to 2018 she did a Residency in Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition of Dogs and Cats at the same university.

In 2018, she worked in the Scientific Technical Department of the pet food company PremieR Pet (Brazil), where she offered in-house training and presented several lectures on clinical nutrition nationwide for Universities and Veterinary Hospitals.

Since 2019, she is carrying out a Residency in Animal Nutrition at the University of Ghent (Belgium) by the ECVCN which will be accomplished at the end of March 2022.

From April 2022 on she will start her PhD at the same University, having as a research line the use of insects in pet food for dogs and cats.

Next live webconferences by Dr. Camila BAPTISTA DA SILVA

Training courses by Dr. Camila BAPTISTA DA SILVA

Teaching goals
  • To understand the diagnostic methods for identifying adverse food reactions in pets.
  • To learn effective nutritional management strategies for patients with adverse food reactions.
  • To explore and differentiate between the types of diets that can be utilized in managing adverse food reactions.
Teaching goals
Tips and tricks about a weight loss program: what do we see in practice and how to manage our patients.
Video time : 30 min + MCQ
Nephrology/Urology Nutrition
Teaching goals
  • Recognize the key nutrients for patients with CKD
  • Differences between kidney diets
  • Nutritional management of kidney patients: difference between dogs and cats