Pleuropneumonia – diagnosis and treatment

Dr. Carlos MEDINA
Duration : 26 min

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  • Understanding the general principles in the diagnosis and treatment of equine pleuropneumonia
  • Obtaining knowledge about the current understanding of equine pleuropneumonia
  • Developing awareness about therapeutic interventions for the horse with pleuropneumonia
Dr Carlos Medina graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the National University of Colombia in 2003, followed by a degree in Physiology from the University of Liverpool, where he graduated with a Master of Science in 2005. This was followed by a residency in large animal internal medicine at the University of Guelph, Canada, in 2008 and a m Ph.D. at the University of Queensland in 2014.

Dr Medina is a diplomate of the American College of Internal Medicine and European College of Internal Equine Medicine, a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientist and the EU Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS).

He is Currently working in Germany as Equine Internal Medicine Specialist.