Endoscopia aviare: dalle basi alle biopsie endoscopiche

Dr. Lorenzo CROSTA
Dipl. ECZM
Duration : 29 min

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La endoscopia è una tecnica di enorme valore nella diagnostica, ma anche per la terapia degli uccelli. Si può affermare che non esiste medicina aviare moderna senza endoscopia. La relazione di oggi prende in considerazione lo strumentario per la endoscopia aviare, e le tecniche diagnostiche principali, sia non chirurgiche, sia che prevedono un accesso chirurgico al celoma degli uccelli
Dr. Lorenzo Crosta graduated in 1989 in Veterinary Medicine in Italy and received his PhD in Veterinary Clinical Sciences in 2009.

He has been the Veterinary Director at the Loro Parque (Spain) from 2000 until 2005, and he has been Chairman of the European Committee of the Association of Avian Veterinarian and President of the Italian Society of Exotic Animal Veterinarians (SIVAE).

In 2013 he was accredited as Avian and Zoo animal Veterinarian by the Italian Federation of Veterinary Boards (FNOVI)

In 2015, he received his ISVPS General Practitioner Certification in Exotic Animal Practice
In 2016 he became a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine. He is currently the Secretary of the College.

From March 2018 to August 2021 has been Associated Professor of Avian and Zoological medicine at the University of Sydney and Director of the Avian, Reptile and Exotic Pet Hospital in Camden.
Finally, in 2019, he was the recipient of the TJ Lafeber award for the “Avian Practitioner of the Year”.

Dr. Lorenzo Crosta has published more than 20 peer reviewed papers, more then 10 book chapters and has presented more than 300 talks, presentations, courses and practical labs in more than 20 countries.