Aleraciones de los nervios craneales. Parte 2

Dipl. ECVN
Duration : 34 min

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Before going further in this learning module please login to WIZZVET by clicking the button below:

  • Saber la function y parte de las vías anatómicas de los nervios oculomotor, troclear, trigémino y abducente.
  • Echar un vistazo a cómo podemos visualizar estas estructuras en imagen avanzada.
  • Saber las patologías más importantes que pueden afectar a estos nervios, su presentación clínica, el diagnóstico, su tratamiento y pronóstico.
  • Ejemplos de estudios, series de casos y case reports de neuropatías publicadas en la literatura veterinaria.
Emili graduated in 2011 from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Already as a student, he developed a strong interest in neurology. After graduation, he undertook a one-year rotating internship in the UAB Teaching Hospital and then worked for over two years as an out-of-hours veterinary surgeon in Mataró (Barcelona).

In 2016, Emili moved to England to work in a first opinion practice in Liverpool. He then joined the Animal Health Trust as a Neurology Intern and completed a three-year residency in Veterinary Neurology at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital of the University of Liverpool. Afterwards, Emili joined ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists as a Neurology Clinician. In 2021, he became a European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology and was recognised as RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology in 2022.