Dr. Fabienne LEUTHARD
Languages :
Dr. Fabienne Leuthard studied veterinary medicine at the Vetsuisse Faculty in Bern, graduating in 2018. She then completed her doctoral thesis at the Institute of Genetics at the Vetsuisse Faculty in Bern. After a successful doctoral thesis defense and several publications, Fabienne completed a rotating internship at the Vetmeduni Vienna.
Back in Switzerland, she worked briefly in various small animal clinics in Switzerland before completing a specialty internship in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Small Animal Hospital in Bern for seven months.
In April 2022, she started her residency in internal medicine at the Mittelland Veterinary Hospital. Her areas of interest are endocrinology, hematology, and immunology.
Back in Switzerland, she worked briefly in various small animal clinics in Switzerland before completing a specialty internship in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Small Animal Hospital in Bern for seven months.
In April 2022, she started her residency in internal medicine at the Mittelland Veterinary Hospital. Her areas of interest are endocrinology, hematology, and immunology.
My professional experience
My Diploma
Initial training
Vetsuisse-Fakultät, Universität Bern