Proactive therapy of canine atopic dermatitis

Dipl. ECVD
Duration : 34 min

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  • In recent years, new therapeutic options have been developed for the management of CAD, and, in parallel with the evolution in the knowledge of the pathophysiology of this condition, a new way of looking at the manner we use these new therapies has also emerged.
  • Currently, a proactive therapeutic approach is emphasized in which, while correcting the underlying pathogenesis whenever possible, active relapses are actively prevented, through a constant control of the inflammation associated with the allergic condition.
  • In this new therapeutic approach, the management of CAD is done in two phases:
  • A first phase of REACTIVE therapy, in which the active clinical signs (pruritic and lesional being acute or chronic) is rapidly controlled in order to induce clinical remission;
  • A second phase of PROACTIVE therapy with the goal of preventing relapses, through the regular control of subclinical inflammation.
Dr Diana Ferreira completed in 2010 the degree with masters in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Lisbon. Afterwards, she performed traineeships in veterinary dermatology in Portugal and in Italy.

In 2011 she integrated the intern team of the Veterinary Clinic of the Barcelona University, where in 2012 she started the residency in Veterinary Dermatology and she obtained the Diplomate of the ECVD title in 2016.

In 2018 she founded the Portuguese Society of Veterinary Dermatology of which she was President of the directive board until 2020. She worked as a veterinary dermatologist in the United Kingdom, at the Animal Health Trust from 2015 until 2020.

Currently, Dr Diana Ferreira works as a veterinary dermatologist in Portugal at the OneVet Group.