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The Veterinary communication paradigm is changing! New generations of pet owners have a different relationship with their vet, along with a sector who are new to pet ownership and the rise in 'pet parents' requires traditional communications channels to be challenged and new opportunities explored. Attendees to this panel will be exposed to a group of experts, all involved and knowledgeable with “client communication and digital tools” available on the UK market. Speakers will share their opinion in a non-biased way, with the objective to assist veterinarians with their choices, and the implementation of new technologies in their practice. Attendees should understand better the benefits and also the ideal ways to install, train and use these tools aiming at a better team efficiency to enhance client’ satisfaction. All attendees will receive in parallel a “white book”, including the entire scope of digital services currently available in the UK, with the features and benefits as well the contacts needed for more information.