Coagulation tests - Part 2

Duración : 19 min
Medicina interna Análisis en laboratorio

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  • The candidates can understand with ease the secondary and tertiary haemostasis, and gain better knowledge on how to interpret the most commonly offered tests by laboratories.
Dr. Magda Gerou-Ferriani graduated from the University of Bologna, in Italy, in 2002. She then undertook specialist trainings in Internal Medicine in the UK.

During that time, she obtained a RCVS Certificate in Small Animal Medicine and became a Board-certified Diplomate (Dip ECVIM-Ca) in 2011.

She has worked in private sector and in academia in Europe and USA and currently she works at Fitzpatrick referrals in Guildford as a senior clinician in Small Animal Medicine.

She has published original studies in international peer-reviewed journals and has been invited as a speaker in numerous congresses.

She enjoys all aspects of medicine but her main interests include haematology and coagulation disorders, gastroenterology, pathologies of the urinary system, oncology, endoscopy and interventional procedures.