Corsa contro il tempo: un approccio ECG alla tachicardia a complesso stretto

Duração : 18 min

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  • Comprendere come interpretare una tachicardia con complessi QRS stretti.
  • Essere in grado di iniziare un primo trattamento antiaritmico nelle aritmie a complesso QRS stretto.
Frane received his diploma in veterinary medicine from the Vetsuisse Faculty of the University of Zuerich, Switzerland, in 2015. After initially working in the private sector and as veterinarian of the swiss army, he started his doctoral thesis in small animal cardiology at the university of Zuerich. In 2017 he started a rotational internship focusing in cardiology, which led him to the ECVIM-CA (cardiology) residency program which was completed in 2022. Since then Frane started working as a freelance cardiologist in different centres in Switzerland, while restarting the cardiology service in the small animal hospital of the university of Glasgow (Scotland).